Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Missoni for Target

This is one of the ads for the 400 piece collection Missoni is unleashing for Target next week, modeled by none other than Margherita herself, who I think is absolutely gorgeous. I've been lusting after Missoni goods forever, but the real deal is a little too steep for my blood-although I'm sure it would be worth the $$$ to own something from them. The line includes a slew of accessories, sleep and lounge-wear, menswear, kids clothing, bedding, home goods & kitchenwares in addition to the women's clothing featured here.

This whole collection is to die for but here are some of my faves for you to ogle until the 13th when this collection drops. I'm thinking everything is going to sell out absurdly quick so my plan is to go online early next Tuesday to try to secure a few of these pieces.

I am so drawn in by their patterns, it's ridicuous. They're like gravity

Although I think the most interesting piece of this ensemble is the pleaded maxi skirt; what a great statement piece. They had a number of black and white looks, but I am more attracted to their colors.

Aaaaah me want this dress although no one will ever look as good as Margherita does wearing it.

This vest is making me drool

What a dress, right?! I waaaant to own

I've been looking for some chic flats with a little bit of pop for a while - do you think these qualify?

I reeeeeaaally want this hat & scarf set too

And these socks to wear exposed with boots!

Isn't this little onesie so adorable!? Whatever babe gets to wear this is a lucky little nugget indeed!

September 13th is right around the corner so set your alarms & reminders frugalistas...don't wait till the weekend to go check it out, this treasure trove might very well vanish within a couple of days. And I don't know about you, but I can't not have something!

1 comment:

  1. I knew it! Target website was down by 9am yesterday so disappointed I couldn't get anything :( keep checking the stores though!
