Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Uesa Goods Vintage...cont.

She has a whole room upstairs too that's got some treasures to be found. She edits what she puts downstairs into the "shop" well.

That 60s cocktail dress would be a scream to wear!

Her hats were the greatest!

I finally decided on a 60s gold chained cocktail purse and a tangerine spring dress.

I'm wearing the purse here if you can see it in the mirror. You can't see the awesome details though. It's a little gem close up. The dress perhaps you will see in photos to come. It's a delicious little creamsicle you'll know it when you see it.

Uesa Goods Vintage is an interesting and diverse collection. Check it out!


  1. ohhhhh... i so want to go here. thanks for the eye candy!

  2. Yes! Go! Her collection is fantastic and she's super nice. I spent at least an hour in there!
